I have been blessed to be in a position that has allowed me to travel and see many beautiful people and places throughout the world. The resilience and joy of people living in difficult circumstances or extreme poverty is astounding.
Along with beauty, I have been witness to the tragic condition of children placed in overcrowded, rundown orphanages. Sometimes these children are left behind due to a parent’s death or inability to care for that child, yet sadly, some are left because of a physical or mental ailment deeming them as imperfect. Unfortunately, this imperfect view of a child is usually brought on by a cultural stigma dating back centuries. This stigma, along with the cost of caring for a child with special needs, can be overwhelming. With few choices left, these parents make the difficult decision to place their child in orphan care.
Bethany believes that every life is precious, and no child should be discounted or tossed aside. These children need a family who will nurture and care for them, but sometimes costs associated with special placement needs and other financial barriers make this difficult. The Caring Connection comes alongside these loving families, providing financial assistance to help cover adoption costs for children with special needs and support families with post-adoption care and services.
All children are created by God—perfect and complete. Your gift to the Caring Connection can help bring these children together with a family to love and protect them. Visit www.bethany.org/caringconnection to learn more.
Written By Bill Blacquiere