Cast Your Cares

If you had never been to the gym a day in your life and were suddenly expected to lift two hundred pounds, you would probably have a hard time. If you built yourself up with training, lifting the weight would eventually come with ease.

The process God uses to build our faith reminds me of bodybuilding. We will go through times of testing that may seem unbearable. Our Father knows the best training course for each of us, and though He doesn’t author the hardships, He permits them in order to strengthen us for the race before us. Don’t bypass your training process. The trials you face today are preparing you for the great feats you’ll accomplish tomorrow! As we continue to move out of our comfort zones and rely on God, He will lead us into our destiny with certainty.

Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, . . . And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1 NLT

There will be times in our lives that each of us has to choose between security and destiny. When we obediently step out on God’s Word, we experience His miraculous provision. His path often goes against what dictates security and comfort, and yet it is one of adventure, faith, and great reward.

Will we choose the path leading to significance or attempt to secure our well-being? I urge you to spend time in prayer this week to ask the Holy Spirit how He would train you to cast your cares on Him. When actions are prompted by divine direction, you will have an unshakeable foundation to act in faith regardless of any circumstances.

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