“I am so happy I got a detention today!”
“My parents grounded me. They are the best!”
“I don’t get to watch TV for a whole week. I think that’s awesome!”
Raise your hand if you said one of these this week. Wait -- raise your hand if you said one of these ever.
King David saw consequences a little differently. In Psalm 119:71 he writes, “It was good that I had to suffer in order to learn your laws.”
Here’s the deal. Kids who learn there are consequences learn how the world works—if you choose to disobey, you get grounded. If you don’t do your homework, you get a detention. You may not like consequences, but they teach you that when you make poor choices, bad things happen.
Just like you, I’m sure David did not enjoy his consequences as they happened. But looking back over his life, he realized it was a good thing to be caught, to be disciplined, all so he could learn more about what God says. His troubles brought him closer to God. So will yours.
Chomp on this!
What lessons have you learned from when you got caught?
Dear God, help me do what you tell me to do. This is hard to say, but if I break your laws, please let me get caught. Use my mistakes to help me learn more about the way you want me to act. Amen.