Catch Phrases Heard on the Way to the Finish Line 

I am a runner. I mostly run just for my personal health and pleasure, but I’ve run in quite a few races. I’ve even run a marathon and numerous half marathons. I’ve learned, however, distance is relative. If a 5K is your milestone, then it will be a long race. I have a friend who runs the 100 mile races. 

I think he’s partially crazy. For him – he set a goal, he worked for it. He’s achieving it. 

Good for him. I’ll stick to thinking 8 miles is a good average stretch distance. 

One thing I’ve learned, however, if you’re pushing yourself, at some point along the race, you’ll struggle. It will go from being “fun” to being a challenge. Ask any serious runner. 

I’ve also discovered – and this is the good part – without those stretching moments, there wouldn’t be near as much thrill of crossing the finish line. 

Here’s something else I’ve observed. There’s a common language among those struggling – at the point of greatest struggle. 

I think you’ll find these very life and leadership applicable. 

Run any distance race and you’ll hear people express frustration out loud. 

I’ve heard things like: 

  • I can’t do this. 
  • This is harder than I thought. 
  • I’m not a runner. 
  • Why did I sign up for this? 
  • This is crazy. 
  • I’m never doing another one of these. 
  • I’m in pain.  

But, here’s something else I’ve observed. 

I’ve never met a runner, who crossed the finish line, who didn’t receive the thrill of victory – even if it was only after they threw up in a trashcan nearby. 

The completion of a dream – a goal – a challenge – feels great after crossing the finish line. 

Have you been ready to give up a dream? 

Are you fearing the next steps? 

Do you feel that you're in over your head? 

Are you afraid? In pain? Having to stretch yourself simply to keep going? 

Often you simply need a little motivation – a little push. I’ve experienced one brief prayer give me the strength to keep going. Whatever it takes – don’t quit too soon! You don’t want to miss the thrill of crossing the finish line. No one can take that thrill away from you.

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