Changed Expectations

“God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.” -Hebrews 11:40

Their church had a thriving foster care ministry.

Their excitement grew.

Their home was available.

They attended an Encounter. They started the paperwork process. And they signed up for Foundations. They started the process believing that they would be a respite family.

The Keens were like so many others who see their community participating in foster care. They were moved to start participating in a way that fit into their lifestyle once they heard about the need. They had a 5-year-old son and expected to serve foster families on weekends or as needed—especially families who had boys about their son’s age or younger.

What they expected would have been wonderful. Their expectations would meet the needs of other families in their church. Their expectations were that their church would pair them with a foster family or two to serve. Their expectations were appropriate and admirable.

Then they went to FaithBridge Foundations, and their expectations changed.

After hearing not only about the great need but also about how much support the FaithBridge Community of CareSM provides foster families, Sara turned to her husband Mark and said, “I know that you’re probably not going to agree, but I think we need to foster.”

He replied immediately, “I thought that all along. I was just waiting for you to agree.”

In the almost two years since they’ve been an approved foster family, they’ve had three foster children, all boys about the same age or younger than their son. All have been positive experiences, and the Keen family will continue to be an open foster home for children in their county.

*The names and details in this story have been changed for privacy reasons.


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