Character Counts

I’m going to let you in on a secret: adults notice kids’ character more than kids’ achievements.

If you stop trying because you are losing a race, adults notice.

If you completely mess up your piano solo at the fine arts fair but pause and regain your composure, adults notice.

If your team is losing and you get a technical for disagreeing with the referee, adults notice.

If you spill paint all over your art project for the county fair but turn your mistake into something beautiful, adults notice.

It’s true that adults love it when your team wins or you get a blue ribbon, that’s because winning is fun and success feels good. What adults love even more is to see the way you handle yourself when things aren’t going well. Do you finish strong even if you’re in last place? Do you do your best no matter what? Do you get discouraged and quit a project or do you figure out a way to make it work?

All the adults that God has put in your life to help you grow up, to teach you about your God, and to show you what it means to become a responsible human being know that the person you are on the inside is far more important than earthly accomplishments. That’s why they pay close attention to your character, more than your accomplishments.

Victories, ribbons, and money will come and go, but your character and reputation stick with you. That’s why King Solomon tells you to focus on the inside: “A good name is more desirable than great wealth. Respect is better than silver or gold” (Proverbs 22:1).

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