Cherish God's Word


Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to all who love You. Help me to live according to Your Word.


Psalm 119:129-152


Which verse stands out to you in this passage?

The "Wisdom books" (Job, Psalms and Proverbs, though some scholars include Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs in the list as well) seek to answer the existential questions of life. If Job deals with how to suffer, it would seem that Psalms deals with how to pray and/or worship. Suffering and prayer aren't, of course, unrelated questions. So it's no surprise that in this passage we have some answers about how to keep in contact with God in the midst of suffering.

These three stanzas, which reflect on the wonders of God's Word and a longing to live closely by it, also describe how studying God's Word helps someone in distress. God's Word brings understanding (130), delight (143) and hope (147). In the midst of a world falling apart, God's Word is trustworthy (138), thoroughly tested (140), true (142,151), always right (144) and will last forever (152).

In the midst of a world of suffering, one way to stay connected to God is to find comfort in and from God's Word.


Write out a verse that encourages you. Put it somewhere visible and refer to it throughout your week.


Jesus, I know that You hear me, and You are ready to respond to the cry of my heart as I seek You in truth.

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