Child Like Awe

And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, “We have seen extraordinary things today.”

- Luke 5:26

I went to a birthday party for my friend’s son who turned one. There were lots of kiddos running around having a ball. One of the toys set out were half rubber balls. You flipped them inside out, set them on the table and waited for the pop. A friend of mine started playing with one of the kids and I promise you that kid squealed every single time the thing popped! The level of excitement on the 20th pop was the same level of excitement he had on the first pop. Even though he knew it was coming, his amazement never dwindled.

Isn’t that how we are supposed to view God? Shouldn’t we have pure amazement every time we see God work? Even if we are expecting it, our awe of God’s goodness should never cease to dwindle. I think too often we allow ourselves to become immune to God’s awesomeness and we lose the excitement and amazement. But this is God we’re talking about. Our amazement for all he does should elicit the same response of awe and wonder – from him healing a paralytic man like in the context of this verse to the very breath in our lungs.

Lord, let me never lose my awe and amazement of You. You don’t have to, but You show me wonders every single day. Forgive me for all the times I overlooked them.

When was the last time you were just in awe of God?

Look out your window. Really think about all the things you’re seeing. Write down 50 things that strike your awe and wonder. (Here’s a freebie…You can actually look out your window and SEE).

Outreach Challenge:
Buy a few sunglasses and for each pair of sunglasses, print off and cut out one of the little cards on the attachment and keep them in your car or your bag.  On a sunny day, maybe at a meet, if you see someone squinting because of the sun, bless them with the sunglasses and the card.

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