Childlike Faith

Do your kids take what you say literally?  Ours have and we’ve had some great laughs over the years because of it. Sometimes it was their limited understanding of who God was that brought us the best moments of laughter and some very important lessons. Our children are adults now but those lessons and the laughter they brought us will stay with us forever.

While flying with our very young children, we had one of the best laughs about God. My husband and son were sitting one row up and across the aisle from my daughter and me. To their right and directly in front of me was a priest. When our son was little, we tried to explain to him who God was, to the best of our ability.  This was a few years before we really came to know God.

As the plane was taking off, my son very loudly said, “Dad, you told me that God was above the clouds so how come I can’t see Him?” I watched the priest in front of me shake with laughter.  I was laughing along with him.  My son had heard us say that God was in heaven. He asked where heaven was and we said, “up in the sky.” My little boy had held that piece of knowledge in his head and he was sure he was going to see God because the plane was now in the sky.

Let’s back up.  I said that sometimes our kids’ limited understanding of who God is can bring us the best laughs.  That is true but maybe their understanding of God is not really limited.  Maybe it is our understanding that is limited.

My son believed there was a God.  He believed God was in the sky because that is where we told him heaven was.  He took what he knew to be true and believed it with his whole heart. He had faith and he expected to see God.

Shouldn’t we all have that kind of faith to expect to see the hand of God or at least feel God in every situation?  Shouldn’t we have the kind of faith to believe that God is there even if we can’t see Him?  Our son had never seen God but he knew He was there and he expected to see Him.  He had childlike or uninhibited faith that had not been clouded by the world.

We had to explain to our little guy that even though we can’t see heaven with our eyes that it is still real. And even though he could not see God out the window of the plane, God was always with us.

As the years passed, our son still believed that to be true. One day he found himself in a spot where he had to overcome a fear.  He pressed into God with that childlike, uninhibited faith. My husband cried as he told me the story of watching our son overcoming his fear on the ropes course by saying and believing, “All things are possible with Him.”  He could not see God but he expected that God would hear him and he expected that God would be with him as he did the course. That day our son finished that ropes course knowing that God was helping him.

I think as adults it is so easy to forget what childlike faith is and our prayers become limited to what we know to be true in the here and now.  We forget to really “expect God to be God.”  I think that children have a much clearer view of who God really is and I want to encourage you to take a look at God through the eyes of a child.   We should all want to have childlike, uninhibited faith that has not been clouded by this world.

Written by Kim Chaffin

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