Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others (Philippians 2:4).
We read yesterday that we should be thankful in every situation; that we have something to celebrate every day. But the reality is that sometimes, we look around and think, "If only I had that..." or, "Look how good they have it" and we begin to compare our lives with those around us. But like complaining, comparing is no way to experience true joy and blessing in our lives.
Rather than comparing what you have with others, look for way to care for others. When you take the focus of your life off of yourself, you begin to see things through a new perspective. And as you see life through God's perspective of caring, you understand just how blessed you truly are.
Start this day by asking God to show you someone in your life that you can help. Pray for opportunities, strength and the ability to take the focus off of yourself and place it on someone else.
Whether it's at the store, in the office, around the gym or in your neighborhood, look for someone who needs help today, no matter how little that help may seem. And rather than turning your back, step up and be the one to help.