Choose YOU

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life.

Deuteronomy 30:19

Choice. It’s the most miraculous and powerful gift God gave us. Humans are the only species on planet earth that operate outside the confines of instinct and habit. We are the only beings that can actually remember our past and choose how we are going to think about it. We hold the power to choose who we want to become, what we want to think and feel, and whom we want to serve. And because of this gift, you can choose to be YOU … the YOU you dreamt of as a kid, the YOU you know you can be, the YOU God created you to become.

One of the greatest hindrances to choosing YOU is dealing with all the aspects and issues life has thrown at you up until this point. The dad who told you you’d never amount to anything. The friend who hurt you. The poverty you were born into. The divorce. The failure. The abuse. The sickness. The fear. The depression … and the list could go on and on. Yes, we live in a broken state of humanity, and unfortunately some of us have come face to face with some tough challenges, many of which were beyond our control. And so you stopped dreaming. And you stopped going after the YOU you know is inside your heart.

Yes, there have been things that have happened that were beyond your control. But don’t allow those things you cannot control make you give up on what you can control. Today, no matter where you are in life and no matter what challenges you have faced … it’s time to make a life-changing choice: Choose to Be YOU anyway! God has set forth before you life and death … choose LIFE. Choose the life God designed just for YOU. Choose life in your mind and emotions. Choose how you will respond from this day forward, and choose how you will think about YOU from now on.

Make a stand today … Choose to BE YOU!


Reflect today about any area of your life where you believe you are a victim of circumstance. Re-think that belief. What can you choose to think about it? How can you choose to respond? Today, choose life in your thoughts, responses and words.


Father, I believe You have made me a sovereign being with Your Spirit of power residing in me. I choose not to be a victim; rather, to choose how I’ll respond to and feel about every circumstance. Thank You for helping me to be authentically ME.


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