Cleaning My Way to Debt Freedom

This year, I thought I’d take spring cleaning to a whole new level. I am not a fan of cleaning. I have relatives that clean to relieve stress; I personally would rather just be stressed…forever. But as much as I hate cleaning, I hate my student loans even more. A year ago I finished my undergraduate degree and walked away with a sweet new job and a bill for $20,000. In 2012, I paid that balance down by almost $7,000 simply by saving money in fun ways. Now, I’m taking loan repayment it to a whole new level…

Roughly six months ago I became a member of a local yoga studio and fell in love with it. But, the $125/month it was costing me to be a member was crazy – combined with high rent, utility bills and other miscellaneous costs, I couldn’t justify the expense.

Here's the thing: I CAN afford yoga on my monthly income, and I’m already paying quite a bit extra toward my loans. But with almost $13,000 hanging over my head, why would I?

This is where it gets messy – literally.

The yoga studio I attend has an awesome program called “Work for Trade.” I spend 3 hours a week doing odds-and-ends cleaning and hello, free yoga. A lot of my friends and family have a hard time understanding why I'm doing this, and most people have the same reactions:

A) Sounds gross

B) 12 hours of work for $125…. Your time is worth more than that

C) Just get a gym membership. Honestly, I agree. But for 3 simple hours a week I get free yoga, which brings health into the other spaces of my life (diet, stress management, happiness and faith).

3 hours a week = an extra $1,500/year.

You probably guessed it: that extra cash is going straight towards my student loans. At $125/month on top of what I’m already paying, by 2014 I’ll have paid down my student loans to an $8,000 balance. To me, it's totally worth it.

Written by Sara Dannenberg

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