Cloudy Conditions, Clear Commands

“When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud covered it and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud.”  Exodus 24:15-16

Many people have a major misconception when it comes to knowing God's will. We often assume that it is a streamlined, expedited process. You pray and immediately know what you are supposed to do. Or maybe you fast and the answer you are looking for magically comes before the second skipped meal. You open your Bible and it lands on a random verse in Leviticus and tells you exactly what to do.

Moses was at Mt. Sinai to meet with the Lord and receive directions and the Law for the people. He wanted to know God‟s will. God wanted him to know it even more. But then Moses just sat there. God eventually spoke to him, but it was only after Moses waited for six days in cloudy silence.

That should be encouraging to those of you who still have yet to receive a Rhema Word about the restoration of your marriage. Hearing from God often takes time to ascertain. Cloudy conditions usually come before clear commands.

Sometimes God does speak to you immediately and clearly. When that happens, be thankful and act immediately and boldly. But usually you are going to spend days, months, maybe even years in the clouds before you hear anything.

If this is you now, do not go back down the mountain just yet. God has clear direction coming for you. Remember, you are not alone. God's silence is not the same thing as God's absence. God's glory was on the mountain with Moses every one of those six days before he heard anything.

God is going to speak to you. He wants you to know His will for your life more that you want to know His will for your life. It is just on His timetable. But first you must seek Him.

Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter.” There is a reason why God's will in a specific situation is so difficult to know, why it can be so hard to know what God wants you to do. The reason isn't because God doesn't want you to know His will. He wants you to know it more than you want to know it. God wants something more for you than that. HIMSELF. He wants us to seek Him. That is why He conceals His will. That is why this is so hard. He still wants you to discover Him most of all.

His will is not the main objective. HE is the main objective. God isn’t the shortcut to your restored marriage or your best life. HE is your best life. The scariest possibility for your life isn’t being divorced and single, or even getting God’s will wrong. It is getting God’s will right but barely coming to know God in the process.

Your marriage could be restored; however, you could lose your first love. Marriage restoration could become a god in your life. He doesn’t write His will in the clouds.

At the end of the process, when your spouse is home, He wants something far greater than marriage restoration. He wants you to know who HE is.

Written by Carolyn Johnson

The concepts for this article were derived from two blogs written by Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Charlotte, NC.

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