Come Up Here

I believe a spirit of weariness is trying to come upon Christians through pressure, stress, and negative news from around the world.

Weariness means:

  • Exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness.
  • Expressing or characteristic of weariness.
  • Having one’s patience, tolerance, or pleasure exhausted.

Revelation 12:12b says, “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” Satan is vigorously trying everything he can to cause us to become weary, give up and faint, and stop standing for our marriages because he knows his time is almost over.

He is working diligently to get us to take our eyes off Jesus and the Word by bombarding our minds with negative information and thoughts about world events such as earthquakes, floods, storms, and freak events of nature. He also uses the state of the economy, world-wide, along with being concerned with having enough to live, in addition to the concern of losing our jobs. The premature death of leaders and friends may also cause us concern.

Fainting in our minds can lead to fainting in our spirits, if we don’t keep our eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:3 says, “Consider him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." If we look at all the negative, bad things happening in the world or even right around us, our spirit man will begin to lose his authority and we will become weary and faint in our minds.

We must recognize when we are growing weary and not allow our patience, tolerance, or pleasure to become exhausted. Otherwise, our strength, endurance, vigor, and freshness will also diminish.

Allowing the cares of the world to enter our minds, and then our spirits, will block the Word and cause our faith to grow weak. As we feed upon the Word our faith will remain strong.

Hebrews 12:3 says to consider Jesus, which means to “think about carefully with regard to taking some action.”

The action we must take is to choose to put our eyes back on what God says, not what the world is saying. We must speak the Word of God over our situations. Declare that God is our source, not our job or another person. “My God shall supply all my needs.”

I was two and a half years into my stand when early one morning the Holy Spirit spoke that I was to release my husband of all financial obligation. I objected and began to argue that I could not live without the monthly alimony that the court ordered my husband to pay me. When God asked, “Who is your source?” I immediately repented and said I would trust Him to provide for my needs.

A few days later, when my husband called to say he would be late with my check, I was able to say, “It’s all right, and I release you from all financial obligation.” I never received another check and yes, I eventually lost my home, but God walked with me through that difficult time.

Was I scared? Yes, at times, but I learned to trust God as Jehovah Jireh, my provider, and to keep my eyes upon Him, not my circumstances. Less than three years later I was able to purchase a much larger home at an amazing price; a home blessed with the peace of God as it was enjoyed by family members and many Covenant Keepers.

Giving up would have been so easy at this point because “Standing is just too hard,” and “Being head of this ministry is too much responsibility.” Indeed, there were days when I was weary. However, by this time I had experienced the provision of God in so many different ways, accompanied by the peace which only He can give, that I knew He was trust worthy.

Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (NASB)

Like Abraham, I learned that the action of obedience opens the door for a miracle!

As Abraham prepared to offer his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice because God told him to, there was a ram coming up the other side of the mountain. Now Abraham didn’t know about that ram but he trusted God to provide; or even raise Isaac from the dead if necessary. I had learned that God is often “last minute” and, like with Abraham, the ram was caught in the thicket just as he raised the knife. Jehovah Jireh provided the sacrifice! You can read this account in Genesis, chapter 22.

In Revelation 4:1 Jesus says to John, “Come up here.” When we spend time with Jesus we are able to see what He sees and be empowered to do what is required.

By daily reading and meditating on the Word we will not become weary and lose our strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness. Neither will our patience, tolerance, or pleasure be exhausted.

Finally, when Satan “comes down” to put a spirit of weariness on us, we must remember to “come up here” with Jesus and have a much better view!

Written by Marilyn Conrad

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