Opened in 1892, Ellis Island became the premier federal immigration station in the U.S. In operation until 1954, the station processed over 12 million immigrant steamship passengers. The main building was restored after 30 years of abandonment and opened again as a museum in 1990.
Today, over 40 percent of America's population can trace their ancestry through Ellis Island. I’m one of those people. My grandparents were among several members of my family who came to America through Ellis Island. There’s even a picture of some of my relatives on display in the museum.
Coming from Italy my family members – along with all the other “steamship immigrants” who traveled to America - were tested to see how well they could read and understand English. The test was simple: read a Bible verse. Strange how much has changed since then. Now it seems like there’s a concentrated effort to rid our society of God and his Word. In many places it’s no longer legal to display the Ten Commandments on public property or for a high school senior to mention the name of Jesus in a valedictorian speech at commencement.
How have we have drifted so far away from God and his Word? And why are people so antagonistic towards God? Maybe it has to do with the desire for personal freedom. But Jesus said “when you know the truth, the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
We also have to consider the spiritual battle that surrounds each one of us. Even though we can’t see it with human eyes, it’s very real – and it’s very destructive. My prayer is that God will invade the hearts and lives of those living in America in such a dramatic way, that we will become a nation that honors Him.
But this will only happen if individuals like me and you decide to live our lives for and like Jesus. Then we can influence others to consider making this same choice so they too can experience a changed life. It sounds simple enough but it won’t be easy. Let’s get it started with me and you.