Transformational Thought
Few men and women of God have become extraordinary people of faith without the influence of a mentor. A mentor is one who takes responsibility for the care, and especially the growth, of another—physically, psychologically, emotionally, relationally, academically or spiritually. But for growth to happen, it is essential that both the mentor and the student be committed.
During the first 26 years of my life, God brought many mentors into my life. Those people had great skills in many areas. Humility was often tough for me. However, growth and success deeply motivated me. I was a committed student and a talented athlete, unafraid of hard work, willing to endure sacrifices and tolerate pain. Delaying gratification became easier with each level of accomplishment. Each new goal added enticement.
My problem was that I was unable to transfer any of these skills or qualities to my spiritual world. Awareness of my spiritual depravity, the great peace and abundant life of spiritual growth, or connection to God were not even blips on my radar. My lenses were so clouded with fleshly desires, material rewards and outside approval, that I had no ability to see my core need for God as the answer to everything I desired.
Sadly, I believe many people today have the same struggle. We don’t recognize the true spiritual mentors God continually brings into our lives. More importantly, bigger deficits and faults loom, such as a lack of true commitment, a me-first attitude, an unwillingness to practice spiritual skills regularly and no desire to be a faithful steward of the sanctification process.
Many believers lack the necessary hunger. Some who could be used greatly by God in the Kingdom are distracted by the cares of this world. It is an “a la carte” attitude versus an attitude of choosing the full measure of what God has for them. To maximize mentoring you need to be humble and fully committed. Then you can submit to God’s authority and instructions, and not continually place your agenda and tactics above His.
Today, ask God if there is someone you are to mentor or to learn from. Start by asking yourself some questions. Who are the people God has placed in my life? Am I learning from them? Am I seeking a double portion of their anointing? What prevents me from gaining some of their wisdom and experience? God may have brought them into your life to prepare you to be a man or woman of God. However, there is a time of training and waiting for your own faith to develop. God is always ready, so whether you submit to His authority and the guidance of a mentor or you choose to be your own your own all-knowing and powerful OZ, it’s your decision, so choose well.
Dear Father God, I thank You for the people You have brought into my life as mentors. I pray for wisdom, patience, Biblical values and ethics, integrity and everything spiritual mentors need to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is pleasing to You and beneficial for those being mentored. I pray for Your special touch on Christian mentors. Please protect them from all harm and evil. I ask for humble hearts willing to commit to You, willing to be disciplined according to Your process for growth. Thank You, God. In the name of the perfect mentor, Jesus. And all God’s children say AMEN!
The Truth
…Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you. Zechariah 8:23
Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Titus 2:3-5
The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Tim. 2:2