

Father, thank You that You are creating the community of love. Let me willingly work with You toward that end.


Leviticus 19:1-18


Which instructions speak to motive? In what way?

When we read through Leviticus, we find that the law is as much about how we relate to one another as it is about how we relate to God.

The people of Israel are to be holy, like God (2), but the sins that cut them off from God additionally cut them off from their community (5-8).

Communion with God and being in community with people are two sides of the same coin, and it is no different today; as we become right with God we also have to maintain right relationships with others.

Verse 18 is picked up by the law expert who asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" (Luke 10:25-37), but what God is outlining here is not who our "neighbor" is but, rather, what it means to love them. Practical characteristics are mercy and compassion (9,10,14), integrity, honesty and justice (11-13,15,16), good conscience and inner purity (17,18).

The Scriptures here are not quick fixes or easy life-coaching steps. These things must be embedded, upheld and practiced to honor God and create peace in our community relationships.


Reflect on how you spend your time, energy and money, and the effects of your choices on others around the world.


Jesus, I want Your light to shine so that I might reflect You to a world in need.

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