
Philippians 2:14

Do everything without complaining or arguing…

It’s pretty easy to do some things without complaining and arguing…but everything? That seems a bit extreme, doesn't it? I mean…not everything in life is pleasant or fair, so do you really expect me to just keep my mouth shut and put on my “happy face?” (Ugh) That’s ridiculous.

See how easy it is to violate this command? It would be amazing to count how many times each day we either complain or argue, not to mention grumbling or murmuring as some versions of the bible mention. Most of us tend to be argumentative whiners because our focus is on what we want or need or prefer. When things don’t go our way we argue, complain, or grumble under our breath. It may feel “good” in some way, but it’s a sin.

This kind of attitude tells God two things: we don’t like the way He does things, and we deserve better. We forget that God uses every circumstance in our lives to help make us more like His Son (Romans 8:28), so even when things don’t go “your way”, He uses them to help you go “His way.” 

Secondly, if you have become one of God’s Children, what in the world do you have to complain about, anyway? Making your bed? Finishing your homework? Obeying your mom or dad? Turning off the football game to play with your kids or help your wife? Give me a break! You have your salvation, and the love of God, and a future with Him in Paradise!

Finally, Jesus willingly went to the cross without complaining and arguing…can’t we at least do the same thing for Him when things don’t go our way?

APPLICATION: Act out some of your favorite “whines” and complaints. Really pour it on so you can see how bad it sounds! Then, come up with some better ways to handle your disappointments. Finally, talk about all the things your family should be thankful for and compare those to the things you whine about or argue over.

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