Confident Prayers

“And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.” -- 1 John 5:14 (NLT)

Are you confident when you pray? Do you believe it sincerely makes a difference? Or is it just something you do because you believe it’s the right thing to do?

I just found out a very dear friend is seeing a specialist, they think he may have leukemia. The first thing I do is pray, and tell him, “I am praying for you!” –– and I sincerely mean it. I pray silently when he first tells me the news, I pray constantly for the first hour after being told, and I continue to pray every time it crosses my mind, which is about every ten to fifteen minutes –– I’m still somewhat in shock.

My prayers consist of heartfelt thoughts and verbal pleas as I share with God. I rally family and friends to join me in praying. I pray at various times and in various places. Many times I pray while driving, sometimes during my workout and other times right in the middle of a completely consuming project. I pray again and again, when out of the blue, God brings my friend to mind, reminding me of my need to pray.

Does this sound like ways in which you pray?

What do your prayers look like, sound like, and feel like? Are you confident in your prayers, that they are being heard and making a difference?

Recently I asked friends and followers to join me in praying for our president and all those in power making decisions for our country. In light of our political climate, I got lots of responses – some positive –– and some not so much. So what is our responsibility? Did we pray regularly for our previous administration and will we pray regularly for this one? Or do we simply pray when something tragic happens, or when there’s something we want or something we need?

Jeremiah 29:12 –– God promises to hear our prayers

Psalm 145:18 –– God promises to be near when we pray

Romans 8:26 –– God tells us the Holy Spirit will help and intercede as we pray

Matthew 6:7 –– God calls us to eliminate fancy words and phrases –– just pray

1 Thessalonians 5:17 –– God calls us to pray without ceasing

1 Timothy 2:2 –– God calls us to pray for our leaders

James 5:16 –– God calls us to pray for one another

1 Timothy 2:1 –– God calls us to pray for salvation for all people

Luke 6:27-28 –– God calls us to pray for those who hurt us

James 5:13-17 –– God calls us to pray for all needs

James 1:6 –– God calls us to pray with all faith – trusting Him with all things

Will you join me in praying?

Will you join me in praying for our nation?

Will you join me in praying with all faith –– trusting God with all things?

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