Contentment in the Lord

If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? —Romans8:32 (msg)

I lay Prisca in her crib for her afternoon nap and sit down at my desk, eager to dive into the work I need to complete. I exhale the concerns of the morning, scoot up to my keyboard . . . and then my daughter cries. In response, I do exactly nothing. Maybe she’s just getting settled. Surely the whimpers will fade.

And then Prisca cries some more. This goes on for twenty minutes before I realize I have no recourse but to rescue my unhappy child.

I sense my internal protesters raising their picket signs: But this is our only block of dedicated work time! When else are we supposed to work? I turn the knob and enter her room. “It’s okay, baby girl,” I tell her. “Let’s see if you can get settled with Mommy holding you in your rocker.”

And so we sit . . . for two full hours, the only “me” time of my entire day. But as I watch her sleep, I think: I know You’re here with me, Father, and that You’re well aware of the deadline I need to hit. Instead of stress, I choose contentment.

Prisca and I both rested well that afternoon. She, because she was weary, and I, because I found abundance hiding where it always hides: behind awareness that God sees and provides.

Lord, make me aware, moment by moment, of Your nearness, Your enoughness, Your grace.
Written by Ashley Wiersma
Digging Deeper: Ps 73:28; Rom 8:31–39
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