
Proverbs 15:31-32

Athletes understand discipline better than most. To excel, they need to make constant corrections to improve their performance. If they don’t, their skill and effectiveness will suffer. The Christian life is no different (except we’re disciples, not athletes)—we also need constant correction; not to win a competition, but to effectively and faithfully follow Christ.

Correction is essential because it breeds understanding, and understanding guides us as we live our lives (Proverbs 15.31-32). While correction sometimes requires just a minor adjustment, other times a total overhaul is necessary. This was the case with King David in 2 Samuel 11-12.

David had committed adultery with a woman, got her pregnant, killed her husband to cover it up, and only realized his sin when he received God’s correction. Only when David truly understood his behavior was he able to repent. Correction helped David see his sin and moved him toward God.

Understanding rarely comes easily. Only by humbly recognizing our need for understanding and correction will we grow as Christ-followers: correction is essential to discipleship.

Read Proverbs 19, then reflect on the last time you received correction. Take some time to write down what you received and the changes you’ve made as a result. Then thank God for those he’s using to bring correction in your life.

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