Covering the World in Prayer: Caribbean

Join with us to pray for World Vision’s work in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Haiti is the least developed country in the Western Hemisphere. The Dominican Republic enjoys a stronger economy, but still 40 percent of its residents live in poverty. Both countries struggle with the lingering effects of major storms.

Pray for recovery efforts in Haiti.

This nation of more than 10 million is on the slow path to recovery after the 2010 earthquake killed about 220,000 people, displaced millions, and destroyed much of Haiti’s already-weak infrastructure. World Vision is helping families transition from temporary camps to safer, more permanent living situations. Pray for continued progress in rebuilding and development.
Lord, in spite of the immense challenges Haiti faces, You have placed a host of resources there to help people recover and rebuild. Guide government leaders, affected families, and development organizations to move forward with a collective vision for a better life.

Pray for improved health for Haitians and Dominicans.

Since the 2010 earthquake, cholera has killed 7,750 citizens and infected more than 620,000 in Haiti. HIV also is on the rise in the Dominican Republic. More than 52,000 people live with the virus, including 5,000 children younger than 5. To address these and other health issues, World Vision operates community health centers and sanitation and hygiene programs. Pray for better access to health services, clean water, and adequate hygiene and sanitation facilities.
Lord God, You alone can cure disease. Bring relief to those suffering from cholera, and improve people’s access to sanitation and hygiene resources. Inspire and empower church and community leaders to love and serve people living with HIV.

Pray for exploited children in Haiti.

Roughly 225,000 Haitian children ages 5 through 17 are forced to work in households up to 14 hours per day. Families that can’t afford their children’s care often send them to friends or relatives, hoping they will have a better life. In some cases, these children also are abused or neglected. Pray that families can find ways to provide for their children’s needs.  
Dear Jesus, through the prophet Isaiah, You declared You would bind up the brokenhearted and bring freedom from darkness. Please make this promise real for Haiti’s exploited children and their families, and provide them the resources they need to achieve fullness of life.

Pray for food security in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Beyond the 2010 earthquake, severe storms have caused flooding and loss of agricultural production in both countries. In late 2012, Hurricanes Isaac and Sandy pushed Haiti into a food crisis. About 38 percent of the population is now considered food-insecure, and the Dominican economy has lost $30 million in agricultural production. Pray for World Vision’s work that is helping farmers recover by improving their agriculture techniques and irrigation systems.
Lord, with so many livelihoods at the mercy of environmental conditions, calm the storms that pass over these island nations. Bless farmers with the knowledge and resources to reap abundant harvests and provide for their families. 

Pray for those affected by domestic violence in the Dominican Republic.

Nearly 200 women in the Dominican Republic were killed by their partners or former partners in 2012. In some cases, children were also killed — in part due to a justice system slow to protect women and children. World Vision strives to influence government policy and works with community leaders to nurture children spiritually, lift up their voices, and protect them from domestic violence. Pray that leaders will truly protect families.  
Heavenly Father, raise up advocates and help lawmakers understand the importance of creating a safe environment for children. Help all concerned to act on behalf of children’s well-being.

Pray that Dominican Republic youth can attend secondary school.

Although 82 percent of Dominican children are enrolled in primary school, just 56 percent of boys and 68 percent of girls go on to secondary school. About 190,000 orphans are at particularly high risk of exploitation due to lack of resources, few child-rights advocates, and limited educational opportunities. World Vision provides tutoring and vocational training services to Dominican Republic youth. Pray that more young people will have access to education and grow in the knowledge of God.  
Lord, Proverbs 1:7 tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Raise up those who desire to know You more. Use teachers and community leaders to impart wisdom and practical skills so that Dominican Republic children can reach their full potential.
Written by Chris Huber
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