Covering the World in Prayer: North America

Please pray with us for World Vision’s work in North America, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Pray for disaster recovery efforts in the United States.

Natural disasters have greatly impacted many families. World Vision responds to disasters with emergency supplies and helps families recover and rebuild their homes. Following disasters, World Vision also provides teachers with much-needed school supplies in damaged low-income areas so students can continue to learn.

Dear Lord, strengthen World Vision’s staff as they help people move forward following disasters. Give them patience and strength, and let Your light shine through them so that those affected can see You in the midst of their recovery.

Pray for for American inner-city youth.

About 22 percent of American children live in poverty. The constant struggle can create a sense of hopelessness. Through the Youth Empowerment Program (YEP), World Vision equips young people from high-risk neighborhoods to positively impact their family and community. Through YEP, youth engage in school and community life and even lead efforts to influence policy change in Washington, D.C.

Lord, Ephesians 6:12 tells us that a spiritual battle rages when people heed a call to stand strong in You. Use faithful mentors to bring struggling youth to a saving knowledge of Christ. May the Holy Spirit motivate them to be beacons of light in their families, schools, and communities.

Pray for poverty-reduction efforts in Mexico.

More than half of Mexicans live at or below the poverty line, even though Mexico is considered an upper middle-income country, according to the World Bank. The country has one of the world’s widest gaps between the rich and the poor. World Vision is addressing the need for jobs in Mexico by providing training and income-generating opportunities for struggling families in northern Mexico.

Lord God, You know the needs in Mexico — and the solutions as well. Please provide wisdom to World Vision and others working to equip families for more secure futures. Help Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to continue working toward his goal of reducing poverty levels.

Pray for an end to drug violence in Mexico.

Drug-related violence has killed an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people in Mexico since former President Felipe Calderon began cracking down on the cartels in 2006. The violence has diminished slightly since President Peña Nieto took office in late 2012. World Vision works with families in hotspots like Michoacan, Tijuana, and Juarez. Through education, health, water, sanitation, and hygiene programs, parents and their children have hope despite difficult circumstances.

Dear Jesus, please protect innocent people living in dangerous situations. Guide government leaders to make tough decisions, and help authorities reject corruption and fight the cartels in pursuit of justice.

Pray for continued wise stewardship of resources.

Donors in the United States and Canada together provide about half of the funding for World Vision’s work in nearly 100 countries. This is a huge blessing for the children and families who benefit from sponsorship projects and other programs in their communities. And it’s a great responsibility for the North American offices to be wise stewards of such faithful giving.

Lord, we know You value wise financial stewardship. Please continue to give wisdom to World Vision staff so that donated funds are used for best results among the children, families, and communities World Vision serves in Your name.

Pray for Christian leaders in Canada.

Churches and community-based organizations in Canada’s major cities at times struggle to meet local needs. World Vision works alongside Christian leaders nationwide to help them grow their teams, hone their vision and strategy, manage finances, and develop ministry goals.

Heavenly Father, You have ordained the Church to carry out Your mission in the world (Ephesians 3:10, NIV). May Your Holy Spirit move through teachers to impart wisdom and guide Christian leaders to embrace practical skills and insights for effective ministry in Canada.

Written by Chris Huber


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