Crazy is Good

2 Corinthians 5:13

If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit.

The word 'crazy' is not often used to describe someone in a positive way. You may use crazy to describe that one relative you don't get along with or maybe the small children who seem to climb everything. Whatever the use of this word, crazy is mostly seen as negative, but imagine being crazy in Christ.

If crazy means different or odd, isn't that what Jesus called us to be? The world says to fight for yourself, but Jesus says to think of others first. The world says we must do whatever pleases us, but Jesus told us to die to ourselves. The world says there are many ways to Heaven, but Jesus said "I am the Way the Truth and the Life." From the world's point of view, Jesus was crazy and so are we if we follow Him. Crazy in Christ means giving up ourselves, our comforts and our desires for the sake of God and others. It means self-sacrifice and loving your enemies. It is completely contrary to anything the world says. So today, as you walk out the door, set your heart and mind on being crazy in Christ. Love God, love others and watch as your craziness changes the world.

Life Lesson: To be viewed as different or even crazy is probably healthy in this confused world.

Dear God, 
I am so thankful for the new life You have given me in Jesus. Help me to walk in the Spirit even though it may seem crazy to others. I desire to be a blessing to others no matter the cost to myself. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I can be used for Your Kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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