
Fatherhood is one of the great privileges of life. When you see one of your kids do something meaningful, there is a sense of pride that swells up in your chest.  You feel a sense of accomplishment, because you are so excited that they are growing and progressing in life. You know the power of a win, and you want your kids to win.

But fatherhood can also lead to some of the greatest disappointments in life. We may miss a kid’s event and feel guilty.  We may snap in a moment of frustration and are filled with regret. We may look back over teaching moments we missed and wish we had them back. We feel inadequate and wonder if we are giving them what they need to live a life of confidence and purpose.

This sense of inadequacy can stem from living as an unfinished man. We’re not sure we even know what a finished man is, and we certainly haven’t put in the work to become a finished man.

Our culture is full of unfinished men.  Over the years, we’ve lost the vision of the power and purpose of a true man. We see the degradation of male role models on TV and in the public eye. There is bickering and finger pointing and avoiding responsibility from all corners of our culture. I think it is easy to see the devastation in our communities caused by the absence of Dads who know how to live as true men.

But what if it’s not too late to show a man how to live as a man? What if it doesn’t matter how old we are? What if there is hope to recapture what has been lost? What if we really believed in the power of true men to transform our homes and communities?

Something as monumental as this will require more than tips and techniques. It will require more than a how-to seminar with some bullet points and cheesy curriculum. It will require more than just trying to “man-up.”  It will require more than memorizing some bible verses and trying really hard not to mess up.

It will require a journey into something bigger than we can dream, more accessible than we believe, harder than we really expect, and richer than we can grasp.

We want to invite you on the journey to becoming a finished man, a man who offers something to the world.  Not a perfect man, but a man who can understand his role in the world, and how he should live that out at work, at play, and in the family.

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