Dare to Be More than a Copy

The world around us lives by values that are the product of its dominant philosophies such as materialism (“things” matter more than anything), humanism (we are all basically good without God’s help), and secularism (the majority determines right from wrong without God’s Word). Each of these, and many other false ways of thinking, results in decisions and behaviors that lead nowhere good.

Paul told us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NLT)

He points out that our outward behaviors are merely the fruit of our inward philosophy. Like robots, if we accept the status quo around us, we’ll follow the crowd in our lifestyles. Christians often combat this by focusing on the changing of our external behaviors alone. Do this… don’t do that… stop doing that… But it doesn’t work, does it?

What we really need is a radical change in our beliefs that will produce new behaviors. It starts in the mind. It begins with what I accept as truth about God, myself, and the world around me.

My core philosophy is that…

God is Almighty and I am not. He created me with dignity and value but that I was also born sinful and chose to sin. So God in His love for me and His own desire for glory gave His Son Jesus who was God in the flesh, born of a virgin, who lived a holy and sinless life, died on the cross to atone for sin, and literally rose again. He offers to forgive us and clear us of the guilt of sin through His matchless grace alone and solely on the basis of my faith; that He is coming again to bring the fullness of His kingdom for all eternity. The old me died, and I now have the freedom to explore the riches of His grace and enjoy my walk with Him in every facet of my life.

What’s you’re philosophy? Go ahead. Articulate your own statement of faith!

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