Dare to Care, Dare to Share

When I was a young Christian, I had friends who would go door to door, knock, and just tell people about Jesus. I remember some other friends who went along with them one time, and when they knocked on a door they immediately prayed, "God, don't let anybody be home, in Jesus' name." They were scared stiff!

I understand that. Not everybody likes to go up to people and say, "Hey, can I have a minute of your time?" We're not all wired that way.

But you might be surprised! Once, when my wife and I were dating, I announced we were going street witnessing. I explained I would go up to people and share my faith with them. It was so awkward and strange to her that I told her to just stand at a distance, pray for me, and watch what happened. By the end of the evening she wanted to try it -- and she turned into a fiery little evangelist!

I urge you to get out of your comfort zone. First, I dare you to care. You'll only talk to people if you really believe the gospel message and care that those who refuse Christ will spend eternity in hell. If you don't care, you won't say anything, ever. Jesus looked at the crowd and saw sheep having no shepherd. They were weary and distressed, and "He was moved with compassion for them" (Matthew 9:36).

Second, dare to share -- because if you care, you will share. It may be hard, it may make you nervous, you may get tongue-tied. But the directions are simple. You first pray for love and for boldness, and then you open your mouth and tell the reason for the hope that is within you.

Dare to care, dare to pray, and dare to ask God for boldness. Then say something -- anything -- to somebody about Jesus. It could be your own personal story: "Hey, can I tell you my story?" Or, "Can I invite you to church?" Or give them a Christian music CD, or a book or pamphlet. Just say something. Share the news, because it's great news!

God has given us a message of hope: 2,000 years ago his Son died on the cross to take away our punishment, to open up the doors of heaven, and to give us everlasting life.

Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13, 14). What He was implying was, "You and you only are the salt of the earth. You and you only are the light of the world." If the world doesn't hear it from you, they won't get it from anybody. God is saying, "You are My last hope for the people of your generation."

God uses fallen people: us. And He helps us to boldly proclaim the reason for our hope, led by His Spirit. If we care, if we believe the message, we will share.



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