Day 3: Popular Money Myths that We Need to Identify and Escape!

A popular money myth is that all wealthy people must be greedy. It has become popular on social media to express outrage over the incomes, lifestyles or spending choices of the rich and to paint them as self absorbed, indulgent or greedy.

This myth is built upon a belief that money is accumulated because of greedy motives or manipulation or even deception.

First, there are some wealthy folks who are greedy and who make bad choices. But this is also true of poor people. Greed is a motive of the heart and we should not be quick to judge a person’s motives.

In my own experience, I have known many wealthy people who are not motivated by greed whatsoever, they are in fact just the opposite: very generous people.  

The Bible condemns two rich people in the New Testament. One is a foolish farmer wanting to tear down his barn to build bigger barns to store his large harvest and the other is the rich man who lived with the beggar Lazarus outside his gate.  But be careful here. In telling these parables, Jesus NEVER condemns wealth, only their poor use of it.

For many who have been entrusted with wealth, it is a burden and responsibility they take seriously to steward well. They know they are providing jobs, creating good products that bless others and seeking to be generous to God’s kingdom.  

When it comes to greed, it is far better to get the plank out of our own eye before we point out the speck in another’s. 


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