Dearest Daughter

My Beautiful Beloved,

I will never leave you.

I will never forsake you.

I will be faithful until the end.

Did you hear that?

Until the end, My beloved.

You see, You are more than just “My daughter."

You are My princess, My jewel, My very delight.

You are My everything, and I rejoice in you.

You radiate the beauty that I created you to have.

You shine with My Heavenly radiance and it puts a smile on My face.

I delight in you, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

And you are Mine.

I long for you in ways that you desire to be longed for.

I give you the attention that you seek to have through others.

Let Me give you the attention.

Let Me romanticize you.

No matter how hard life may be, do not forget that I am with you- each and every step of the way. I promise.

The challenges you face are mountains that you must learn how to move.

Hold My hand every step of the way and let Me help you move them.

I understand your pain.

I provided the ultimate sacrifice, the epitome of pain, and it was very costly indeed.

But I did this for you. You.

In the moments of life where nothing makes sense, turn to Me.

In the moments of life that seem to make perfect sense, turn to Me.

Invite Me into your heart My darling.

Let me take care of you on your good days and your bad days.

I created you.

I created you in my very own hands.

I created you in my very own hands with every good and right intention.

I placed a calling on your heart. You have purpose.

I am your reason to live,

I am your reason to sing.

You are Mine, and I, yours.

I know you.

I know your desires,

Your brokenness,

Your every thought,

I know you.

You need to know that I love you.

As a matter of fact, my love for you is unfathomable, incomprehensible.

You need to know that I forgive you.

My mercies are new every morning of every day.

Receive them.

You need to know that you're accepted.

I chose you, My precious daughter. You.

Every moment of every day.

Nothing could separate Me from loving you.


You need to know that I am the Ultimate Healer.

Seek My healing hands. Let me renew your broken heart.

You need to know I go before you.

You need to know I go behind you.

Each and every step of the way,

Every moment of every day.


And finally,

You need to know that My plan for you is already laid out.

I am the Author of your story. Your story has already been written.

Accept each day as it comes--good or bad--and know that My will for your life will always prevail. Nothing will ever change that. Have faith in Me, My daughter. My plans for you are wild and great. Turn each page of your story with care and embrace each chapter with confidence. I am with you, every step of the way. I promise. Have faith in Me.

Be the pen in My hands and let Me live through you as you turn each page and start begin the upcoming chapters of your life.

You have no idea how much I love you, dearest Daughter of mine.

I think about you ALL the time.

My thoughts of you are endless.

They outnumber the hairs on your head, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, each grain of sand, everything.

Why? Because I love you.

I love you, I love you, I love you. You.

Long for me, My daughter.

I desire a relationship with you.

I pursue you relentlessly.

Won't you do the same?

Don't stop chasing after Me.

I'll never stop chasing after you.

The God of angel armies (that's Me) is always by YOUR side, My daughter.

I'll always fight for you.


I will be faithful until the end.

Come awaken love My darling.

I'm waiting for you with the warmest embrace.

Take My hand and enjoy this precious gift of life that I have given you to embrace and live out, all for My glory.

Come to Me, I'm all you need.

Come to Me, I'm your everything.


Your Father

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