Decide to Stop Being Broke

I believe that the Bible is the best money book ever written, and I really want to take some time to share the money lessons I have learned from the Word.

"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7).

This verse is merely an observation of reality.

When you have margin, you are positioned to fund dreams, build businesses, and have influence with others. Wealth positions you to have conversations with people that focus on “What if?” instead of “That’s impossible.” Have you noticed that people with money are the ones who are building houses, businesses, and funding huge projects?

The borrower is truly a servant to the lender. Anyone who has run into trouble paying their bills clearly understands this part of the verse. They know EXACTLY what it means to be a servant to their lender. The lender is super nice when the money is provided to the borrower, but the sharpness of the lender’s teeth are felt the very instant that the borrower fails to fulfill their obligations.

You must perform exactly to the terms set forth in the loan agreement, or else you will have serious issues such as law suits, judgments, and harassing phone calls or even in-person visits from the lender.

YOU have a choice—to be rich or to be poor—and it all starts with a mindset.  A mindset of, “I am not going to live a broke-to-broke life,” and, “I am going to apply biblical wisdom to free myself from the bondage of debt and poverty.”

THE DAY that I decided to stop being broke was THE DAY that my family started winning with money. It happened on December 2, 2002. Of course, it was a process to move toward financial freedom, but it started with a declaration that we were no longer going to live a lifestyle beyond our income.

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