Every pastor wants to make a significant impact with his life and through his ministry. This passion and vision is true regardless of the size of the ministry you lead today.
When I was younger, I wanted to make a difference in a major way. I still do today. When I was in a smaller church, I wanted to have an impactful ministry. I still do today.
How do we do it?
Deepen Your Walk
Pastor, if you want to have a broad influence in your life and ministry, it all begins by deepening your walk with God daily. I am firmly convinced that God’s pathway to impact begins with a growing depth in your personal walk with God. There are no shortcuts!
The Bible reminds us in James 4:10,
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.
Additionally, we read in Psalm 75:6-7,
For promotion does not come from the east, west, nor south; God is the judge. He puts down one and sets up another.
While there is a factor that God alone determines, the value of our unqualified pursuit of the Lord Himself is undeniable. And while we cannot control what God may choose to do with us sovereignly, we can pursue our relationship and fellowship with Him personally.
Therefore, how can a pastor deepen his walk with God?
- Be consistent in a daily time with God, filling your mind with God’s Word, growing in your personal prayer life, and pursuing His face relentlessly.
- Pursue holiness, putting aside thoughts, choices, and habits that distract you from Christ rather than lead you to Him. Again, pursue His face relentlessly.
- Trust the Lord alone for your future. He knows what is best for you, even when you do not. Refuse any human manipulation or politics to gain a position or increase your influence.
As you prioritize deepening your walk with God, trust the Lord with everything else.
Broadening Your Influence
Broadening your influence is not up to you, your friends, or even your denomination. It is in the hands of God. Why?
For years, I have observed men attempt to manipulate their future in all kinds of ways. There was a day I tried to do the same. But as God has constantly moved upon me, leading me into moments of brokenness, I have learned that God alone is the one who broadens our influence.
I often tell pastors: If you want a broader influence in ministry, it all begins with deepening your walk with God daily.
Your motives determine your future, not just your vision. Your prayer life determines your future even more than your vision. Your prayer life will never surpass your commitment to daily deposit the Word of God into your life.
Pastor, when your daily walk with God results in a hot heart for God, your ego is under the Lordship of Christ. When the Holy Spirit is developing your giftedness through quality ministry experience, God may be preparing you for more in your future. All of these things together will result in God broadening your influence.
In His way and in His time, He may choose to do it for His glory.
3 Important Things to Remember
1. God determines your geography, not you. Release your future to God by dying to your desires geographically.
2. God determines your influence, not you. Surrender your life daily to His Lordship, being content wherever you are and with whatever God has you doing in your life right now.
3. God determines your future, not you. When you committed your life to Jesus Christ, you died to your own desires. When you surrendered your life to God’s calling in ministry, you declared your future was completely the Lord’s, not yours.
He alone determines whether you are in Abilene or Africa, North America or South America, or ministering nationally or internationally.
Let it go. He has you in the palm of His hand. There is no safer place to be.