Devoted to the Word

Scripture Reading — 2 Timothy 3:14-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for ... correcting and training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:17

Nearly 50 years ago my parents gave me a Bible. Inside the cover they inscribed the words of 2 Timothy 3:17. They knew that if I were to become a fully devoted follower of Christ and an active member of his church, I would need to understand the Bible's teachings.

The Bible is God's way of revealing himself to us. While God also introduces himself to us through the intricacies of his creation, and while God implants within every human being a sense of his deity, his primary revelation is in Scripture. Paul reminds us that Scripture is God-breathed. It is not simply a compilation of ancient human writings; it is God's Word, written under his direction and guidance.

Each Sunday followers of Christ gather to open this Word and worship the author, their Creator and Father. In doing so these worshipers acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, sent to redeem the world. Together they remember Jesus' astonishing sacrifice on the cross and celebrate his resurrection. In Sunday worship the church tells God how great he is and how much they love him.

If we hope to experience the intimacy of knowing God fully, we need to open his Word. We need to hear God speak to us through his Holy Spirit. We need to listen and respond to God's call.

He invites you to worship him today.


Dear God, speak to us through your Word. May it be a lamp to light the way to you. Fill us, Lord, with your Holy Spirit. In the name of Christ, our risen Lord, we pray. Amen.

Written by: Jerry Dykstra

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