Did You Know that Getting Rid of Greed Will Help You Prosper?

Proverbs 28:25 says, “The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper.”

This is an interesting verse because it clearly implicates greed as placing trust in our possessions and ourselves. Now, I hope you can agree with me that self-confidence is a trap for fools.

By getting rid of that misplaced trust and placing our full confidence in the Lord as our faithful Provider, we will begin to experience the type of prosperity that God promises to those who love him.

When we are greedy, we can only see the world from a selfish perspective. Every person is looked at like a prospect, as someone who can do something for me. Every decision we make seeks to gain an advantage in business or social standing. It is a form of blindness.

C.S. Lewis said, “ I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

In a similar way, when we trust God fully, we see prosperity in a new light. We don’t think of it as getting rich or gaining an advantage over others, but as a means to experience the fullness of life; the shalom of prospering in mind, body and soul. 

I invite you to take Crown’s free online assessment to get an in-depth picture of your financial health from a biblical perspective. The report will give you a comparison of your beliefs and behaviors in 9 key areas that the Bible says are important aspects of managing money.  Not only that, you will receive recommendations for how to improve in the areas where you struggle.  


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