Divine Thoughts

"We have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16).

That may raise some eyebrows. After all, who are you to claim the thoughts of God? It sounds so pretentious. Yet there it is, a profound truth held dear by the early church and one of its premier leaders. As someone born of God’s Spirit and given a revelation of his nature, you have his mind—or at least access to it—within you.

What does that really mean? It means you can ask God to lead you and expect that he will. It means that the stream of consciousness running through your head can actually be moved and shaped by him. It means that even though you aren’t infallible in what you think, you can still be inspired by revelation from heaven. You aren’t left here to figure things out. You have a connection with divine wisdom.

Learn to cultivate and depend on that connection. You are united with Jesus, and it’s more than a theoretical or symbolic union. His presence is real, and your union with him has very practical implications. Ask expectantly for his thoughts, then receive them—not presumptuously, but with humility and confirmations. Ask for heaven’s solutions to earth’s problems. He delights in revealing himself to his people—even (or especially) in the intricacies and depths of the mind.

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