Do You Enjoy Tipping At Restaurants?

A 29-year-old, pregnant server was given a generous $900 tip. The unmarried woman, expecting in less than a month, stated that a written note on the bill simply read, “This is God's money - He gave it to us so we could give it to you. God bless.” The bill was only $61.

Can you imagine her surprise? Her joy?

The obedient act of one saint following the Lord’s urging to help a young woman brought glory to God and attention through news outlets across our country.

How often do we miss the opportunity for God to work one on one through us?

According to Trip Advisor, tips are often the major source of compensation for U.S. wait staff and service providers. They are often paid lower wages, expecting tip income to cover a large portion of their income. Our tipping is how employees interpret whether their service was poor, average, or superior.

If you have ever worked in the service industry or had a child wait tables, you understand my point. Please consider how you tip.

Proverbs 3:27 reads “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”

The next time you eat out, remember that your waiter or waitress is a person created in the image of God. If you pay with cash, be generous. If you use a credit card, tip well and write an encouraging word. It is an easy way to sow seeds and open doors. Only God knows the true impact of your generosity!

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