Do You Pray?

Do you pray?

Leaning on someone else to pray for you is not good. Not that they will stop praying for you, but you will miss out on what you need so desperately. In the Spiritual world there are no surrogates. It is too personal. It is too real.

The Lord is waiting.

The Lord is waiting to meet you.

The Lord is waiting to meet you in secret.

The Lord is waiting to meet you in secret behind closed doors.

He touches.

He calms.

He listens.

He sees.

He comforts.

Do you pray?

Whenever I get alone with Him in secret, He always meets me there.

He enters the secret places of my soul and dwells there.

He accepts my trembling yielded heart touching my troubled mind and bringing peace, perfect peace.

In the secret place, He speaks volumes of love, correction and insight. I listen, receive and am transformed.

In the secret place He comes to me and I am waiting, watching and willing to be there with Him - just be there.

In thankfulness I grasp His kindness.

In unreserved love I release praise to my Father who is in secret – who is my Savior – who is my God – who is my all-in-all. He inhabits the praises of His people.

Do you pray?

Let the people of the yielded heart say, “Ye and amen.”

But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:6

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