Do You Really Put God First?

It is simple to say or think to yourself, “Sure, I put God first.” But let me ask this: Is He the first thing on your mind in the morning and the last thing on your mind at night?

What if God looked at our use of time during any given day? How much time do we really put into taking in God’s Word or even talking with Him? Many times, we have good intentions, but very little is put into practice. 

The man who invented most of the road grading equipment used in America was R.G. LeTourneau, an uneducated man with a sixth grade education. He was told by his own college-trained engineers that the equipment he designed would not work. What they didn’t know was that every evening before he went to bed, he would study and meditate on God’s Word and spend the last 30 minutes of his evenings in prayer before going to sleep. When he awoke in the mornings, he had a fully formed design for a new piece of equipment, given to him by God, with an absolute assurance from God that the equipment would work!

LeTourneau designed, through God’s divine inspiration, some truly remarkable equipment, including the first offshore semi-submersible drilling rig.  Long after his death, that equipment is still operating and in great part, no one has ever improved on the initial design. Why? Because Mr. LeTourneau put God first.  Not only was God first in his business but also in his personal life. The LeTourneaus were 90% givers most of their married lives. 

Matthew 6:33 contains the words of Jesus, “See first the kingdom of God and my righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”   This is some of the most practical financial advice you will ever receive. Now, put it into practice.

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