Do You Recognize the Darkness?

Transformational Thought

We all have bright shiny days when everything goes well and we feel on top of the world. But what about the darker days? They’re a lot tougher to describe and identify. You might be thinking, “What is he talking about? I know the dark days and can identify them pretty easily.”

Well, dark days can also be ones that are “neutral.” Often they are the seeds of future dark days. They are times when nothing seems great, earth shattering, or even memorable. On days like these, Satan starts to play with our heads. We may start to think or believe we’re not special, that God doesn’t really love us, or that God isn’t interested in our well-being. We may also think God is sitting on His throne with a scorecard, keeping track of our mistakes.

Why do we fall for Satan’s tricks? The reason is that at our core, we are insecure beings. We feel inadequate and have a constant need for approval. We need to feel important in this world or to someone. We want to be noticed and make our mark on each day. Neutral days highlight the fear that we aren’t important, that we’re not making a difference. They accelerate the negative-thought-merry-go-round on which we jump willingly.

Growing in God’s grace is about trusting Him above all else, especially when we find ourselves in the darkness. Always trust God, whether it’s a truly dark day, or a neutral day that poises you on the slippery slope toward darkness. When you are in the dark, reach confidently for His hand. Turn to Him. Resist hollow earthly solutions and addictions. Reaching for His hand in the dark is a display of magnificent trust. Moreover, it greatly weakens the spiritual forces of evil—the very forces that tricked you into pursuing the dark solutions. When your world is dark and you choose to trust God, His light will shine brightly through you for all to see because His light shines brightest in the darkness.

Today, if you are in the dark and on the brink of giving up, cry out for His assistance. Just pray, “Help me, Holy Spirit.” Look for the hand that is reaching out for you. It is there. This brief prayer is a beautiful display of trust and a simple way to tap into His vast power. Learn to recognize the lies that take you from a neutral day to a dark day. Resist them and counter the lies with the truth and hope of God’s love, power and sovereignty. Whether you recognize the subtle darkness infiltrating your day and reach out to God, or you get caught in Satan’s web and slide into darkness, it’s your decision, so choose well.


Dear Father, I am completely in the dark today. I’m scared and disoriented. I don’t know where to turn. Help me, God. Help me, Holy Spirit. You have designed me to seek light. I crave all kinds of light—sunlight and even artificial light—but especially the light of Your holy presence. I want to walk in Your light, Father. It is easy for me to trust You when there is plenty of light in my world. But trusting You in my dark times is another matter. I am desperate, Lord. I am reaching for You in the dark. I know that Your light shines brightest in the dark. I pray that Your light shining through me will be visible to those around me. I pray through Your Son Jesus Christ. And all God’s children say AMEN!

The Truth

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139:10

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