Do You Struggle with Consistency in Your Personal Daily Devotions?

In this dark world, we need help to see our way. Psalm 119:105 declares that “God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.” Yet many, who claim to know the Lord, do not rely on this power on a daily basis.

Tim Challies at defends personal devotions for a reason greater than self. He states that the benefit of knowing God extends to your family, your neighbors and your church. If you aren’t doing devotions for your own benefit, then won’t you do them for the sake of others?

Husbands & Wives: Read the Bible as an expression of love for your spouse. Growing in the knowledge of God’s love will bring humility in light of His majesty, realization of your sins and greater dependence on Him. A greater love for God will overflow into greater love and appreciation for your spouse.

Parents: Time in the Word will grow you in virtues needed to parent well. Patience, mercy, respect, and self-control can develop out of time spent with the One who knows these best.

Neighbor: Loving God by spending time with Him will overflow into a desire for your neighbors to enjoy this same intimacy. Time with the Lord spills over into sharing the Good News with joy. Apathy in evangelism can turn to intentionality.

Church Member: Read your Bible so you will grow in conformity to Christ. Knowing the Word will help protect your church from error and ungodliness, and grow you in holiness to protect your church from your sin.  

As Proverbs 3:27 says, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do it”. Learning God’s financial principles in your daily devotions will make you a better steward, a better spouse, a better parent and a better servant of the Lord.

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