Do You Want to Do Great Things?

God has wired it into us to do great things. Some people distort that desire to feed their own agendas, and others lose hope along the way. But the human heart longs to make a lasting impact. There’s no need to apologize for that. Whether subtly in a small circle or visibly in a wide one, we’re designed to accomplish something significant.

Pursue that with all your heart, but know that everything in God’s kingdom is contested. Those obstacles and setbacks you encounter aren’t random. They are orchestrated to thwart your purpose and crush your spirit. If you learn to read between the lines of your life, you’ll see. Behind the scenes, you are a threat to an unholy agenda.

Once you know that, you can press ahead with resolve. Don’t give up, don’t compromise your purpose, and don’t get distracted. Those longings for impact weren’t wishful thinking; they were God-given impulses. Press ahead until you get God-given victories.

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