Does God Care?

“A violent windstorm came up. The waves were breaking into the boat so that it was quickly filling up. But he was sleeping on a cushion in the back of the boat. So they woke him up and said to him, ‘Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to die?’ Then he got up, ordered the wind to stop, and said to the sea, ‘Be still, absolutely still!’ The wind stopped blowing, and the sea became very calm. He asked them, ‘Why are you such cowards? Don’t you have any faith yet?’” (Mark 4:37-40).

There are storms in our lives too. Parents get separated. Dads and moms deploy for the military. Older cousins die from drug overdoses. Wildfires, tornadoes, or mudslides threaten your house.

Just like the disciples, when hard times come, we sometimes think that God is sleeping, not paying attention to us. We wonder why God lets bad things happen to us. We ask him, “Don’t you care?”

He does care. He’s the God who knit you together. He’s the God who sent Jesus to rescue you from Satan. He’s the God who can calm storms with a word. He’s the God who sends the Holy Spirit to guide you through this life. While all this happens, you still live in a sinful world and will still have bad things happen. Trust that he will use the storms in your life to bring you closer to him. Instead of saying, “Don’t you care?” you get to say, “God is my helper! The Lord is the provider for my life” (Psalm 54:4).

Chomp on this!

What storms have you faced?

How has God helped you and provided for you during them?

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