Doing Life Together


Many churches encourage members to become part of a home group or community group. These groups are known by different names. One church refers to them (appropriately!) as life groups. While certainly there is nothing new about Bible study classes, which have been around for centuries, this idea of doing life together throughout the week is new to some believers. For some, studying the Bible, prayer, and worship have long been isolated to Sundays. Setting aside the Sabbath is a start, but God desires that Christians live and grow in community with one another throughout the week, not just when they enter the church building.

Believers grow and challenge one another when they meet together regularly. We become closer to God when we open up and allow other believers to pray for us. Home groups in some churches have bonded so deeply that when a member is sick, other members will provide meals or care for the person's children if needed. As relationships are formed, it becomes possible to speak into one another's lives in love. Christians need one another. As iron sharpens iron, so one believer sharpens another. When you have been with brothers and sisters in Christ, it will show in your countenance and it will alter your interactions with those around you who don't know the Lord.

Let's pray:

Father, help me to find a community of believers within my church with whom to connect and "do life" with. Amen.

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