Doing What Works the Best

Doing what works the best presents a tremendous challenge to our very nature. It would be easy if God's will for us always agreed with our flesh—if His ways were just like our ways. This is seldom the case. In fact, the scripture says in Isaiah 55:8:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”

So in order to get to God's plan, we must get out of our way and get into His Way. We must bypass the elaborate decision-making system that we have built within our minds-a system that is a product (or derivative) of our past experiences, fears, logical and analytical abilities, feelings and who knows what else. We must embrace by faith, the powerful and anointed plan that He has for our lives. This is an arduous process. It will by no means be easy. You must make up in your mind that you want change in your life and that you want to fulfill your purpose and destiny in God and then just do it! Break forth with a sedulous, tenacious spirit and bring forth the Will of God into your life.

Out of the lottery of choices that you have to deal with several times a day, you must be firm about employing this principle—and choose to do what is right in every case. This pattern of doing the will of God will become a habitual process that will be installed in your thinking and lifestyle over time.

It is said that it takes about 30 days to form a habit. You should take the next 30 days to concentrate on doing what works the best. We believe that the reason most people do not get better, accomplish significant goals and are not blessed financially is because most people do not have focus. They aimlessly wander from day to day, week to week and let life happen to them. This process will make you take a look at everything that you do and weigh it in the presence of the Lord. Each decision-now directed by the Lord Jesus Christ-becomes a step closer to the fulfillment of the purpose that God designed for you.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalms 37:23

In our 17 years of marriage, we can definitely see the benefits of focusing on what works the best. When we were first married, we thought that we had a good understanding of each other, because we had talked and spent time together for about five years. Furthermore, we had some good examples of marriages, as well as books and other resources. None of the above could have prepared us for what was to come. When two strong-willed people get together ultimately, those two must yield to God in order to do what works the best.

The personalities of people are so complex that there is really not one guide that will help them through. People need supernatural guidance from God. Spiritual counsel is good but you need more than that. After years of toil, because of our love for each other, we committed to find a system that would help us though every problem and difficulty.

We continually heard the Word of God on a weekly and some times daily basis and as a result our hearts were open to hearing from God. We prayed and counseled with one another through tears and heart to heart discussions. As we humbled ourselves, God revealed to us this wonderful principle. It is nothing new. It is used by the people of God throughout the Bible—it just seemed to have no name. As we examined the lives of successful business owners, married couples and individuals, it finally hit us—something was going on that caused people to be successful. We were prompted to call it, The What Works the Best Principle.

Employing this principle has blessed us in a wonderful way. We made a commitment not just to understand it, but to perform it. We have been blessed by telling others about it. If you employ the principle, you will surely see the results.

An excerpt from “The What Works the Best Principle” by Lyle and Deborah Dukes, pgs. 30–32

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