Don’t be a Lone Ranger

Relationships. No matter what stage of life you’re in, I’m sure you’ll agree that relationships are important. The older I get, the more I realize God created us with these connections in mind. He designed us to engage in fellowship with Him and with others.

The good & the bad

As a writer, I have the opportunity to work from home. There are pros and cons to this set-up. If I’m not careful, I can fall into the trap of becoming a recluse. Far from being an introvert, I will admit that I’m more project-oriented than people-oriented.

Months ago I made the conscious decision to schedule face-to-face time with friends and colleagues so I could avoid being the Lone Ranger. It seems Jesus knew the importance of relationships too.

Jesus’ example

After spending an evening in prayer, He chose 12 men to be His disciples. They didn’t just listen to His messages and show up for an occasional miracle. No, these men spent countless hours with Jesus, witnessing how He lived and interacted with others.

What a privilege – and what a challenge! Jesus spoke the truth. And the truth wasn’t always easy to swallow. Sometimes the disciples tried to help Jesus by sending people away. But this wasn’t God’s plan. Look at His response:

Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14

Relationships were and are important to our Savior.

Your turn

Do you value relationships? What step will you take to put the right emphasis on your relationship with Jesus and others?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for reminding me of the importance of relationships. Help me invest time developing the relationships You’ve blessed me with. In Jesus’ name, Amen.





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