Don’t Give Up

It keeps track of the number of steps I take during the day, and calculates the quality of my sleep. The Fitbit has definitely made me more aware of my daily activity. I don’t pretend to understand the technology behind it, but I’ve gotten rather obsessed with making sure I get my 10,000 steps in each day.

The first week I wore my Flex Wristband, I logged in regularly to check my progress. I was willing to go for a second walk if it would push my steps over the threshold. It was well-worth the extra effort to see the smiley face on the Fitbit dashboard light up and issue a congratulatory “Hooray.”

Stopping short

By week two, the challenges set in: I had deadlines to meet.

My usual exercise routine in addition to walking the dogs would be a stretch. Thursday morning greeted me with a decision: sweat it out on the treadmill or finish a writing assignment that was due the next day. I slipped into my t-shirt and sweatpants for a quick workout.

When I finished typing the last word in my chapter, I was surprised to see there was still time to head out with the dogs. With every step, I expected to feel the familiar vibration of the Fitbit; letting me know I had done it again – I’d reached 10,000 steps for the day. But nothing happened.

The mistake

The next morning when I checked the Fitbit dashboard I realized my mistake. I was only 15 steps short of reaching my goal for the previous day. Ugh!

So often I do the same thing in my spiritual life; I stop just short of seeing a goal reached. You too?

Stick with it

The apostle Paul offers a boost of encouragement:

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Words worth holding onto when it seems like our efforts are having little effect. Keep doing the right thing – the harvest is just around the corner!

Your turn

Is it hard for you to persevere when you don’t see results? What step will you take to push through?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for reminding me to continue on the path of doing what is right. Even when I don’t see results, help me remember Your Word promises I will reap a harvest if I press on. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



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