Not long ago, I missed a meeting related to work. I totally forgot about it, and that almost never happens. It was a morning appointment, and I simply didn’t check my calendar.
At first I was really mad because I try hard to be responsible. But I must say, if I am going to miss a meeting, I had a pretty good reason.
Several of my grandkids were staying over with Melanie and me. I got involved having fun with them and watching them eat breakfast, and time passed and … I guess that’s what happens sometimes.
I certainly don’t advocate blowing off appointments; and things worked out fine with the person. But I must say I came away feeling blessed to have that priceless opportunity with my grandkids, and it’s a chance I won’t ever get back.
You’ve probably heard about “opportunity cost.” It’s often connected with money. The idea is that we have limited resources, so when we spend money on something, that removes the possibility of spending that money on something else. It’s basic, but a good thing to keep in mind.
It also applies to our time. We have limited amounts of that too, so when we choose to do one thing, that means we can’t spend that time doing something else.
I suppose the meeting was also a missed opportunity; if I had remembered it, I would have gone for sure. But since I forgot, that opened up another opportunity to bond a little more with my grandkids.
What does this mean to you as a dad?
I’m sure you’re busy like me, and there’s only so much time to get everything done at work and to be with your family. But usually it isn’t a matter of forgetting an appointment, but making sure your top priorities get your best time and energy. Put another way: If you aren’t intentional about making time with your kids and putting them on your calendar, that will result in missed opportunities.
Let me leave you with this question: What are your children or grandchildren going to remember about you? Do they get your full attention on a regular basis, or are you working a lot and often just not there, so they have pretty much come to expect your absence?
Kids know you’re busy. And that makes your time with them even more valuable–to you and to them. Remember, when you miss an opportunity, you might never get it back.
Action Points
1. Choose to hang out with your child instead of something else you enjoy or typically do.
2. Look at your family calendar and all the kids’ events that are coming up. If you aren’t sure you’ll be able to come to some of them, ask your kids which ones are most important to them, and find a way to be there.