Don't Forget This One Thing



These two words characterize those who know Jesus Christ.

At least they should.

However, far too many believers live stymied lives. They want to grow and change, yet they never seem to mature in their faith. This isn’t a new phenomenon, something that has popped up in our day and age. The writer of Hebrews made this observation: “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!” (Hebrews 5:12 NIV)

We can’t live on milk forever. At some point, it is time to move on toward maturity, to grow in grace and be transformed by the knowledge of Christ Jesus. What keeps this from happening?

The Apostle Peter answers clearly and profoundly.

But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. (2 Peter 1:9 NIV)

Forgetting this one thing stops spiritual growth and transformation dead in its tracks. That one thing is the fact, the liberating truth, that you have been cleansed and forgiven of all sin.

Forget and you become nearsighted. You can’t see anything beyond you — your guilt and shame, your weaknesses and struggles, your fears and frustrations..

Forget and you become blind. Your spiritual eyes become shut to all that Christ has done and is doing in your life.

Forgiveness is the key to growth and transformation in Jesus Christ. Step onto that foundation and rest confidently in the truth that your sins have been taken away once and for all.

When you do, strap on your spiritual seatbelt and be prepared to experience the power of God’s love and grace to grow you in your knowledge of Christ and transform you into His image.

Just don’t forget. In Christ, you are a forgiven person.


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