Don't Go There

The Do Not Enter! sign on the street tells you not to drive that way. The yellow tape around a crime scene lets you know you aren’t allowed in. The No Trespassing sign on your neighbor’s house tells you that strangers aren’t welcome. All these warning signs tell you where you shouldn’t go.

King David used all sorts of words to describe God’s law. In Psalm 19:7-11 he says, “The teachings of the Lord are perfect. . . . The testimony of the Lord is dependable. . . . The instructions of the Lord are correct. . . . The command of the Lord is radiant. . . . The fear of the Lord is pure. . . . The decisions of the Lord are true. . . . As your servant I am warned by them. There is a great reward in following them.”

God’s law, the commandments he gives you, is there as a warning sign. He put his law there to keep you safe. When he says, “Obey your parents, do not murder, do not covet, do not steal,” he’s saying, “I’m warning you. Don’t go there.” Bad things happen when you ignore the signs. (I’m sure you can think of a few times you’ve had to suffer the consequences for your choices.)

Jesus told the people the same thing when he talked to them: “Whoever does and teaches what the commands say will be called great in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:19).

That’s the reward David was talking about. Pay attention to the signs God puts in front of you.

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