Don't Just Stand There

Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us? Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on His throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.  Matthew 19: 27

Don’t just stand there – join in.

Jesus often spoke in parables, describing a great harvest. We’re all familiar with a harvest – the season of gathering ripe produce. But, if we look closely at these parables, it’s pretty clear that Jesus doesn’t want us to sit passively, just watching this harvest; he wants us to participate, to join in. So, what is the ‘harvest’ Jesus is talking about? 

Just like a physical harvest, farmers recognize time is limited. There is a sense of urgency. In the same way, time is limited for family members, neighbors, colleagues or classmates to come to know Christ. One day, we will all die. Those who have not responded to the Gospel of Christ are going to spend eternity separated from God. Jesus recognizes this urgency and out of His love for us, He calls us to join in. He wants us to get our hands dirty – to get off the sidelines, and share the good news of the Gospel with others. This is the harvest Jesus is talking about.

Many Christians would like to focus solely on the benefits of being a Christian -  salvation from hell, victory over death, and eternal life. These are great benefits. But, Jesus wants more. You see, our calling is to make a decision of faith – not because of something we’ve done, but because of His sovereign grace.

The question comes down to this - How will you respond? Will you share what we’ve experienced in your life and participate in the harvest?  Don’t just stand there – join in. 

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