Don't Live in the Moment

What keeps you (personally) pushing every single day? This may sound like a simple question, but when you stop and think, you may realize a lot.

I believe we are all taught that people should never be what fill us up completely, but how much do we really emphasize that concept? Sometimes we don’t see how much pressure we are applying to a relationships/friendships with someone until they’re gone, but by then it’s to late to take back how much we have invested.

So how do we fix this problem? It’s hard when you’re in a moment of silence, or going through a rough time to run to something you cannot see, but what if you did? When we stop holding people to so many expectations such as filling up what is empty within us, pressure is released. Does this mean you will immediately feel better? No. No one likes not having anyone to run to, but maybe these times are needed as a wake-up call to remind us of WHO we should be running to. As girls we can go to many other things to make us feel temporarily happy: food, beauty, boys, working out, etc. Not only are these things easy because they’re tangible, but also because it’s what we are told is “normal” and “important” every day through our peers and society. The problem with that list is all those things are very fleeting. Such a great and simple verse that applies so well here is Psalms 31:30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a women who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

We can’t get so wrapped up in the little things that will be gone tomorrow. Instead let us, let God make even larger imprints on our lives that will out live this earth, and have an everlasting impact on not only us but also the others around. It takes women of bravery to have full faith and trust in the unknown, knowing that her Father has got her best in mind.

I know for me each and every day I am both eager but frightened to give God all the control. I know the more I release to him, truly the more I don’t have to worry about, but getting to that mind set is where the fright can come into play. Help yourself out by constantly absorbing yourself in the truth of Who and what is important every day, and not just in the moment.

Written by Madi Cowell

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